Episode 21
"Partners In The Gospel" | A Fragrant Offering
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:14-18
SHOW NOTES: For encouragement on your spiritual journey, we invite you to visit our ministry website, Discover God's Truth, where we provide additional resources to support your Walk with God.
Paul’s heart rejoices, and he expresses his gratitude. Epaphroditus and others delivered the gift from the Philippians to Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome. They recognized his suffering—awaiting trial before Nero—and wished to demonstrate their care and concern for him.
"Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles." Philippians 4:14
As their spiritual leader, Paul aims to assist them in developing the “grace of giving.” He uses a business term here—this gift is credited to your account. When they gave a gift to Paul, they gave it to the Lord and His work.
"They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God." Philippians 4:18b
In the Old Testament, various types of sacrifices—incense, grain offerings, and animal sacrifices—were presented to God that pleased and were acceptable to Him. Sacrifices were also given in the New Testament, with the greatest being Christ's offering of Himself for the sins of all mankind.
"Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:2
SONG: "Offering" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vA6rDvY7dU