Episode 1
"The Power Of Prayer" | An Old King's Prayer
SCRIPTURE: 29:10-20&version=NIV" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">1 Chronicles 29:10-20
SHOW NOTES: You are invited to explore our ministry website, Discover God's Truth, and find additional resources to encourage your spiritual journey and enrich your walk with God.
This is the beginning of a new “Walk with God” season. Prayer is an essential topic for believers. Ask this question, “What is Prayer?” The simple answer is spiritual communication between man and God.
In this lesson, we will examine three parts of David’s prayer:
1. Praise & the blessing of God (vv. 10b-13)
2. Perspective on their utter dependence on the Yahweh whose greatness has just been proclaimed (vv. 14-17)
3. Petition (vv. 18-19)
First, David’s praise was public. Although praise is usually more private, in this case, his official words needed to be heard and heeded by everyone!
The God of Israel is our Father. He is eternal and exists “forever and ever.”
David’s praise recognized that all things belong to Israel’s great God. This principle forms the foundation of the doctrine of stewardship. ‘Everything’ we possess ‘comes from’ and belongs to God.
Our devotion to the Lord is evident in our gifts to Him. David desires that his people have hearts truly and wholly dedicated to God.
David’s Prayer of Praise:
"O Lord, our God, may You be praised forever and ever!
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty.
Everything in the heavens and on earth is Yours.
We adore You as the one who is over all things.
Wealth and honor come from You alone. You rule over everything.
Power and might are in Your hands.
Our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name!"
1 Chronicles 20:10-13
SONG: Gratitude - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NX6hU_J38o