Episode 21

"Treasure In The Word" | Clothed in Strength & Dignity

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 31 

SHOW NOTES: You are invited to subscribe to our ministry website – Discover God's Truth.

The Book of Proverbs teaches moral and ethical principles which will lead to a wise life. The word “wisdom” (hokmāh) occurs 48 times in this book. The words “wisdom and instruction” (1:2a) complement each other because “wisdom” includes the idea of “skill” in living. The word for “instruction means “discipline.” No “skill” in living can be developed or perfected without “discipline.” 

The final chapter in Proverbs offers sound words of advice – a mother to her son, the king. And, the closing verses share a beautiful portrait of a godly and wise woman. 

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise. She guards her tongue, and she gives instructions with kindness." Proverbs 31:25-26

These words of instruction are valuable for both men and women to practice daily. Choose words carefully. Guard our tongues and speak with kindness. The Lord is our strength, and He will direct our steps.

SONG: "You Make Everything Beautiful" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqZTO0tjLKc

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Walk With God
with Walt & Brenda McCord

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"The Awakening" is the online gathering among people of faith who take the promises of the Bible to heart – and are joining together to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America. The global outreach of "The Himmelreich Memorial Christian Library."