Episode 5

"Treasure In The Word" | Value Wisdom Greatly

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1, 2, & 3 

SHOW NOTES: We invite you to subscribe to our new ministry website – Discover God's Truth

"And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding beyond measure, and breadth of mind like the sand on the seashore." – 1 Kings 4:29

True godly wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord and will result in a holy life. Throughout the Proverbs, we read words of wisdom and caution from a father to his son. We are encouraged to listen carefully and lean into the wise instructions given to us. 

This involves a choice. We must decide with our hearts. If we choose to walk the path of wisdom, we will follow God’s instruction and discover understanding and good judgment. The one who finds wisdom is blessed. It is better than silver or fine gold, more precious than jewels. Nothing can compare to wisdom. 

SONG: "I Surrender All" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3u51j4W1vk

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Walk With God
with Walt & Brenda McCord

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"The Awakening" is the online gathering among people of faith who take the promises of the Bible to heart – and are joining together to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America. The global outreach of "The Himmelreich Memorial Christian Library."